Parts of the Purchase Order Screen:
Closed - Purchase Order Code - Overall Discount - Less Discount

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At the top right of the Main Purchase Order Screen, you find the Closed, PO Paid, Date and PO Codes fields:




Click on the "Closed" checkbox to indicate that a purchase order is closed.  A closed purchase order means that you've finished work on it and you've received all the items.  The "Closed" checkbox is located in the upper right hand corner the screen.  With the AnyPO II program, you can configure the program to automatically lock the POat the same time it is closed.  More information: Open & Closed Purchase orders.

PO Paid & Paid Date

AnyPO II feature.  If you wish to keep track of which PO's are paid, place a checkmark here.  When the box is checked, AnyPO will automatically insert the date.  The date, however, can be changed if desired.  It will not insert the date if there's already an existing date.

Purchase Order Code

The Purchase Order Code field is located in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

This field is used for coding purchase orders.  You make up your own code.  One, two or three letters, numbers or combinations of letters and numbers may be used.  A one-character code gives you lots of versatility, allowing you to use the Purchase Order Code blank for three different types of codes.

You may also use the code box for creating certain types of mailing lists or group like orders together.

This particular field has a pop-up box associated with it.  You can list the codes in the pop-up box and select the appropriate one instead of remembering the codes.  To indicate pop-up box contents, select OTHER TASKS >> EDIT VIEW JOB CODE LIST.

For more information: Purchase Order Codes.


Other Parts of the Purchase Order Screen:

Menu Bar

Status Indicators

Purchase Order #  -  Vendor #  -  Drop Shipment

Vendor  -  Ship To  -  Zip Code

Phone - Email

Item Area: Quan  -  Your & Cat #   -  Item Description  -  Price  -  Disc & Disc Total

Item Area: Add, Place & Toggle Buttons

Inventory Mode Button

Closed - Purchase Order Code- Overall Discount - Less Discount

Terms - Taxable  -  Shipping Method  -  FOB  -  Shipping  -  Ordered By

User Fields

Purchase Order Screen Buttons: Navigation (VCR Buttons), Calculations, Help

Other Buttons: VC Center, Revised?