Parts of the Purchase Order Screen:
Purchase Order Status Indicators

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The top right hand corner of the Purchase Order Screen is reserved for Purchase Order Status Indicators.  (Note: there are also two indicators that appear between the Vendor and Shipping Address areas, explained at the end of this section.) Often either area of the screen is blank, but when certain features are used, the corresponding indicator appears.  Here's what they look like:


There are several Status Indicators:

OPEN.  The current purchase order is Open.  Open means that there's still work left to be done on the purchase order.  Once everything is finished and all items are received, the purchase order is closed by checking the "Closed" checkbox.  The "Closed" checkbox is located in the upper right hand corner the screen.  Complimenting the Open status indicator are two functions that can be accessed from the pull-down menu.  One function closes all open purchase orders and the other limits the display to Open purchase orders only.  The use of Open or Closed purchase orders is optional.  More information: Open and Closed Purchase orders

LOCKED.  The lock feature has been turned on and the purchase order can not be changed or altered in any way.  The lock feature can be turned off by selecting ORDER TOOLS and UNLOCK.  When the purchase order is unlocked, LOCKED does not show.

The Locked status indicator also serves a special function if you use AnyPO on a network.  In a networking situation, only person at a time can be editing the same field on a purchase order.  If one person is working on a purchase order and another tries to edit the same field, AnyPO will lock the purchase order.  To indicate a network lock, AnyPO triggers the LOCKED indicator.  To distinguish it from a regular lock, the text is more colorful.  The lettering is in red and placed over a bright yellow background.  Whenever you see a network locked purchase order, you should leave that purchase order and work on another.

FILTER.  A filter is currently in effect.  Filters are applied by using the Filter function.  They are turned off by selecting ORDER TOOLS and TURN FILTER OFF.  When no filter is in effect, FILTER ON does not show.

N.  AnyPO is currently operating in a network mode.  The "N" status indicator appears whenever the local computer you're working on is accessing AnyPO's data from the server (or the main computer on which the Common Data Directory resides).  Note that the "N" will not appear if the computer accessing the information is the same one which houses the Common Data Directory.  (Since it's accessing information internally, at least from AnyPO's standpoint, that computer is not operating in a network mode.)

ST.  The purchase orders presently displayed are from a storage file.  To return to your regular or working set of purchase orders, select FILE and END STORAGE VIEWING.  ST is not displayed when your regular or working purchase orders are showing.

X.  (AnyPO III Feature).  This indicator is available when the program is configured as a department computer.  A department set-up is handy when your business consists of two or more departments which create requisitions and then send them onto the head purchasing office for final processing.  A department sends requisitions to the head office by selecting OTHER TASKS >> MOVE REQUISITION TO HEAD OFFICE (More Information).  Once the requisition has been sent, an "X" appears in the upper right hand corner of the screen. You'll also see the notation: "Sent to head Office" (with the date) in the Notes area.  Don't delete the "Sent to the Head Office" notation or otherwise, you'll lose track of which requisitions have been sent.

APPROVED. (AnyPO II - III Feature) If you have AnyPO's Electronic Approval System turned on, you can designate certain individuals to approve PO's.  When the PO is approved, the "Approved" status indicator appears (see below). The initials of the approver (or approvers if PO's require more than one approval) appear just below the indicator.  To make room when a PO is approved, the "Approve" button (which opens the "Approval" dialog box) shrinks down to a small button with an "A" on it.  If "Approved" doesn't appear, the PO is not yet approved.  More information: Electronic Approval System.



The following two indicator appear in the space between the Vendor and Shipping address areas:

REVISED.  (AnyPO III feature).  The AnyPO III program includes a "Revised?" button just to the right of the Vendor country.  When clicked, an orange "REVISED" indicator appears between the Vendor and Shipping address areas.  This means the PO has been revised from the original.  A "Revised" modifier also appear in the printed version of the Purchase Order.

NOTE AMT (AnyPO III feature).  NOTE AMT means "Note the Amount on This Purchase Order."  In the AnyPO III program you can have this indicator appear when the Purchase Order exceeds a certain amount.  This is may be helpful if you work in a business where certain amounts require additional approval procedures.  This feature is turned on in FILE >> BASIC PROGRAM SET-UP.

Other parts of the Purchase Order Screen include:

Menu Bar

Purchase Order #  -  Vendor #  -  Drop Shipment

Vendor  -  Ship To  -  Zip Code

Alt PO Number  -  Job #  -  PO Date  - Arrival Date - Cancel Date

Phone - Email

Item Area: Quan  -  Your & Cat #   -  Item Description  - Price  -  Disc & Disc Total

Item Area: Add, Place & Toggle Buttons

Inventory Mode Button

Closed - Purchase Order Code - Overall Discount - Less Discount

Terms - Taxable  -  Shipping Method  -  FOB  -  Shipping  -  Ordered By

User Fields

Purchase Order Screen Buttons: Navigation (VCR Buttons), Calculations, Help

Other Buttons: VC Center, Revised?