Purchase Order Code

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One of the fields on the Main Purchase Order Screen is the Purchase Order Code.  The Purchase Order Code blank is located in the upper right hand corner of the screen and is labeled "PO Code" (below):


You make up your own code.  One, two or three letters, numbers or combinations of letters and numbers may be used.

Note that the code is case sensitive.  "A" and "a" are considered different code letters.

If you would like to work only with capital letters for your codes, you can turn on the "All Caps" feature by double clicking in the Purchase Order Code blank.  Select YES to the "All Caps" message.  You can turn off "All Caps" by the same method:  double clicking and making the appropriate choice.

If you only need to use the code for one purpose, then you can use all three spaces in the code field.  You could, for instance, use "RET" for retail and "WHO" for wholesale.  If you need the code for more than one purpose, then you'll need to use one-character codes.

Creating a Pop-up List

You can create a pop-up list of codes by selecting OTHER TASKS >> EDIT/VIEW PO CODE LIST.

Using One-character Codes

If you use one-character codes (consisting of one-letter or one-number), you can create up to three code systems.  (Or, in other words, you can produce three different types of reports.  Reports are created by selecting FILE >> EXPORT.)  The important thing to remember is that you should not duplicate any code letters or numbers between coding systems.  We'll use an example to help explain how this all works.

Let's say that you want to code orders whereby you pay the retail price a capital "R" and wholesale orders with a capital "W."  (Remember that the Purchase Order Code is case sensitive and it's important to distinguish between capitals and lower case.)  This becomes your first set of codes.

Let's also set up a geographic code.  We'll use "1" for U.S. orders, "2" for European orders, "3'" for Great Britain, "4" for Canada, etc.

As you issue purchase orders, you would enter the one-character codes into each purchase order using appropriate code letter or number.  A typical entry in the Purchase Order Code field on the purchase order screen might look like "W2." (European Wholesale Orders).

Using the Code for Other Purposes

Purchase order codes can be used for other purposes.  You can, for instance, use the code for creating mailing lists.  As an example, you may decide to categorize all maintenance purchases by using the "W" code.

You can generate the mailing list with all of your vendors who supply you with maintenance equipment and supplies by filtering for the "W" code.  The mailing list will include only those with the "W" code.  By the way, the filter formula for using the code in this way would look like: "W" $ InvCode.