A Short Introduction to the Purchase Order Screen

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When you first start AnyPO, the Main Purchase Order Screen appears:


This same screen stays visible throughout the program.  It is basically an electronic purchase order form on which you enter the vendor name, address, shipping address (if it is different than the Vendor address), your vendor's purchase order number, date, items, etc.

You can move from blank to blank on the purchase order by using the Tab key on your keyboard or your mouse.  You can also move by holding down the Alt key and pressing the underlined letter.  For an example, pressing Alt+S will move your cur sor to the shipping blank.

You can move to different purchase orders by pressing Page Up or Page Down on your keyboard.  To go to the first purchase order, press Ctrl+Page Up on your keyboard.  To go to the last purchase order, press Ctrl+Page Down.  You can also move from purchase order to purchase order by clicking on one of the navigation buttons on the bottom right of the screen.


The navigation buttons resemble the buttons on a VCR, CD or tape player.  The right arrow button ( > ) goes to the next purchase order and the left arrow button ( < ) goes the previous purchase order.  The right arrow with a line ( >| ) goes to the last purchase order, and the left arrow with a line ( |< ) goes to the first purchase order.


Once all the information is entered, you can print the purchase order by clicking the "Print" button on the botton right of the screen - or by selecting FILE and PRINT PURCHASE ORDER from the Menu Bar printed across the top of your screen.

For more information on the parts of the Purchase Order Screen, click on any of the following:

Menu Bar

Status Indicators

Purchase Order #  -  Vendor #  -  Drop Shipment

Vendor  -  Ship To  -  Zip Code

Alt PO Number  -  Job #  -  PO Date  - Arrival Date - Cancel Date

Phone - Email

Item Area: Quan  -  Your & Cat #   -  Item Description  -  Price  -  Disc & Disc Total

Item Area: Add, Place & Toggle Buttons

Inventory Mode Button

Closed - Purchase Order Code - Overall Discount - Less Discount

Terms - Taxable  -  Shipping Method  -  FOB  -  Shipping  -  Ordered By

User Fields

Purchase Order Screen Buttons: Navigation (VCR Buttons), Calculations, Help

Other Buttons: VC Center, Revised?