Final Step: Export and Report Generator

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Export & Report Generator - Starting the Export Process

Step By Step Procedure (Final Step:  Export and Report Process)


RtArrow This is the last part the step by step procedure for Exporting.  For information on the steps leading up to this point: Other Options

Once you've created the profile in the second dialog box, selected desired options, and added a replacement table (if needed), you'll be ready to export.  To do so, return to the first dialog box in the Export series.

You'll be at this dialog box:


Select Profile Name and File Name

First make sure the appropriate profile name is selected.  Then enter the file name you want to use for the export.   Use standard naming conventions when naming the export file.  Use ".txt" or ".csv" for Comma Delimited and Tab Delimited files and ".dbf" for dBase files. For more information: Supported Import File Types.

Also it's helpful if you keep file name short.  Most importantly, don't use spaces.  It can create problems on some system configurations.  If you need to use a space, use an underline in its place.  For example, instead of Job Report, use Job_Report.

Change to the directory where you want the file stored.  Avoid selecting a directory with long names or names with spaces.

Select Purchase Orders to Export

Select the Purchase Orders that you want to export.  You have a variety of choices.  You can export the current purchase order or a range of purchase order numbers.  You can select from a list, set a filter, or use dates.   For more information on these choices, see Export First Dialog Box.

Start Process

When you have selected the Purchase Orders you want exported, click on "Start Export Process."  AnyPO will then export the records to the file you have designated.

This is the end of the step by step procedure for importing file.

More Information on Exporting

Export & Report Generator (First Dialog Box)

Export Profiles (Second Dialog Box)

Other Options (Third Dialog Box)

Export Replacement Tables

Built-in Reports

Creating Your Own Reports

Export Files Types Supported