A Brief Introduction, Page 4

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Vendor Numbers & The Vendor Information Database

If you have regular vendors, you'll want to put them into the Vendor Information Database.  To do so, select OTHER TASKS and VENDOR NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES from the Menu Bar.  The Vendor Database Screen will appear.


On the screen, you can enter the name and address, along with other information on the vendor.  A help system has been built into the dialog box.  As you use Tab to move from blank to blank, help information appears in the box on the bottom of the screen.

Once you have one or more vendors in the Vendor Information database, you can have the program automatically enter the address and other information.

This is done on the Main Purchase Order Screen.  From the Main Purchase Order Screen, click on the "L" button ("L" is for "List") just after the "Vendor #" blank.  (You can also place your cursor in the Vendor # blank and double-click or press CTRL-L.)

You'll find the "L" (List) button at the top of the Main Purchase Order Screen.  It's beside the Vendor # field.  Click on it and a list of your vendors in the Vendor Database appear.

You'll find the "L" (List) button at the top of the Main Purchase Order Screen. It's beside the Vendor # field. Click on it and a list of your vendors in the Vendor Database appear.


A pop-up list of all the vendors and their numbers will appear:


Select the correct vendor and all information is entered automatically. It's fast and it saves you typing time.


Vendor Without Numbers

You don't have to assign vendor numbers to all vendors.  You may only order once or twice from certain vendors.  If that's the case, you'll not want to waste time assigning them a number.  Just enter their name and address on the Main Purchase Order Form.  No number is needed.

If you start ordering from one of your infrequent vendors on a more regular basis, you can enter them in the Vendor Database at that time.  You won't have to re-type their address.  You can bring up their name by clicking the "L" button just after the "Vendor blank.  (You can also place the cursor in the "Vendor" blank of the purchase order and press Ctrl+L or double-click the mouse).

For a list of vendors found on your purchase orders (as opposed to vendors listed in the Vendor Database), the "L" (List) button is beside the "VENDOR" name.  When you click a list of any vendor entered on an purchase appears.

For a list of vendors found on your purchase orders (as opposed to vendors listed in the Vendor Database), the "L" (List) button is beside the "VENDOR" name. When you click a list of any vendor entered on an purchase appears.


A pop-up list of all past vendors will come up:


Press the first letter of the vendor's name and you can move through the list until you find it.  Click on OK and the program will automatically enter the address and other information directly on the purchase order.

Important Note

It's good practice to use the pop-up lists, as described above, when entering vendor names and addresses.  This assures that the vendor name is spelled the same on purchase orders.  When it's spelled the same, you'll be able to use the search, filter and count features effectively.   It's really no problem to make sure the names are the same.  The pop-up lists make it easy.  They're faster and more efficient than re-typing the name, and at the same time, the use of pop-up lists assures you that the vendor's name will be consistent on all purchase orders, and all processes in AnyPO will work properly.