Shipping Weight

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If you click the "S" button, next to the Shipping field on the Main Purchase Order Screen, a dialog box appears which provides you with the total weight of your order.

Here's where the "S" button is located:



And here's the shipping weight informational box:


This informational box can also be reached in two other ways. You can click on the word "Shipping" on the Main Purchase Order Screen--or you can double click in the shipping blank.

Shipping Weight. AnyPO will calculate the total weight of an order as long as you have indicated the products' weights in Stock Ordering.  To prevent errors in calculating shipping charges, if the weight of one of the products is missing from Stock Ordering, then no total weight will be reported.

When AnyPO calculates the weight, it takes the weight per item and multiplies it times the quantity.  The subtotals of each of the products are summed to arrive at the total weight.  Weight is provided in both English and Metric units.  If you use the total weight figure to calculate a shipping charges, be sure to allow some extra for the weight of packaging material.