Purchase Order Screen: Quantity Received, Date Received

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The "Inventory Mode," button is found on right side of the Main Purchase Order Screen:



When you click on the button, the color of the Item Area turns to a pink shade (shown below):


This is a visual reminder that you are now working in the Inventory Mode.  You'll also notice a change in the columns in the Item Area.  Three additional columns appear:  "Quantity Received," "Date Received," and a blank, one-character column between the two.

Date Received is the date that the items are received.  To insert a date, place your cursor on the desired row and then select STOCK TOOLS >> INSERT RECEIVED DATE.

For more information on the Inventory Mode button and the use of the Received Date, see Inventory Mode.


Other Parts of the Purchase Order Screen:

Menu Bar

Status Indicators

Purchase Order #  -  Vendor #  -  Drop Shipment

Vendor  -  Ship To  -  Zip Code

Phone - Email

Item Area: Quan  -  Your & Cat #   -  Item Description  -  Price  -  Disc & Disc Total

Item Area: Add, Place & Toggle Buttons

Inventory Mode Button

Closed - Purchase Order Code- Overall Discount - Less Discount

Terms - Taxable  -  Shipping Method  -  FOB  -  Shipping  -  Ordered By

User Fields

Purchase Order Screen Buttons: Navigation (VCR Buttons), Calculations, Help

Other Buttons: VC Center, Revised?