A Brief Introduction, Page 1

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Where Everything Starts: The Main Purchase Order Screen

When you first start the program, the Main Purchase Order Screen appears.


This same screen stays visible throughout the program.  It is basically an electronic purchase order form on which you enter the vendor name and address, the items you are ordering, how you want the ordered shipped, etc.  Once all the information is entered on a purchase order, you can select FILE >> PRINT PURCHASE ORDER from the Menu Bar printed across on top of your screen.  (The Menu Bar is discussed next).

You can move from blank to blank by using Tab or your mouse.  You can also move by holding down the Alt key and pressing the underlined letter.  For an example, pressing Alt+S will move your cursor to the "shipping" blank.

The Menu Bar on Top of the Purchase Order Screen

The Menu Bar consists of FILE...GO TO...ORDER TOOLS...STOCK TOOLS…OTHER TASKS...SECURITY ...WINDOW...HELP which runs across the top of the Purchase Order Screen.  You select menu items by clicking them with the mouse or by pressing Alt on the keyboard and the first letter of the menu item, i.e. pressing Alt+F opens the FILE menu.


Moving From Purchase Order to Purchase Order

You can move from PO order to PO by pressing Page Up or Page Down on your keyboard.  To go to the first purchase order, press Ctrl+Page Up on your keyboard.  To go to the last purchase order, press Ctrl+Page Down. You can also move from PO to PO by clicking on one of the navigation buttons on the bottom right of the screen.  The navigation buttons resemble the buttons on a VCR or CD.  The right arrow button ( > ) goes to the next purchase order, and the left arrow button ( < ) goes the previous purchase order.  The right arrow with a line ( >| ) goes to the last purchase order, and the left arrow with a line ( |< ) goes to the first purchase order.


Getting Help

An extensive help system has been developed and is available throughout the program.  To access it, select HELP from the Menu Bar on top of the screen, or click on the HELP button found on most of the dialog boxes. The function key F1 is the quick access key to the help system, and pressing it always brings up the most relevant help information.  You can also hold the mouse cursor over the parts of the screen and a short description will appear.